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Suncoast Quilting Circle

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Become a Member

Join our vibrant, diverse community of quilt enthusiasts and quilters of all experience levels.  Just $35.00 a year!

Benefits of Membership:

  • Education (with local, regional & national speakers)
  • Newsletter
  • Quilting retreats
  • Charity projects
  • Quilt Show
  • Comaraderie with other quilters
  • Skill building

Membership Application


Your application provides key information for our members and organization to interact with you.  The member directory is only visible to other members, and you can opt out of the directory via settings in your profile. You can still join even if you do not actually use email, by entering as your email address.  That alerts our members that you don't email, but gives you a username to log in with.  You'll receive a link to create your own password. Required  fields are marked with a *.  

Regular membership is $35.00 for the calendar year (renewals due January 1st). Dues for new members are prorated begining in March.

Regular membership$35.00 (USD), prorated to $2.92 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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* Email

Our mission is to preserve and promote the art of quilt making, stimulate interest through educating members and the public, and engage in projects for the community where needed and appropriate.   

Suncoast Quilting Circle
PO Box 47764
St. Petersburg,  FL 33743 

Copyright 2022 Suncoast Quilting Circle

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